Can CBD Help Relieve Pain?

CBD is becoming increasingly popular as a potential pharmaceutical agent for treating pain, inflammation, seizures and anxiety without the psychoactive effects of THC. Our understanding of the role of CBD in managing pain is still evolving, and research from animal studies has shown that CBD works by interacting with and modulating the endocannabinoid, inflammatory and nociceptive (pain detection) systems. The endocannabinoid system is made up of cannabinoid receptors that interact with our own natural cannabinoids, and it plays a role in regulating many body functions such as metabolism, appetite, mood and anxiety, and pain perception. The conclusion? CBD, and your expectations about whether it will help (the placebo effect), may make the pain less bothersome, but it doesn't seem to reduce the intensity of the pain.

Until there is high-quality scientific evidence in humans, it is difficult to make a recommendation for the regular use of CBD in the treatment of chronic pain. Additionally, laws in states where CBD is legal may vary regarding the amount of THC allowed in CBD products that can be legally sold. Many stores proudly advertise that they sell CBD oil or capsules, and social media is full of testimonials from people claiming that CBD helps them manage everything from anxiety to chronic pain. A recent study looked at data from 2000 people who use CBD products because of their potential pain-relieving effects.

The results showed that CBD and expectations about receiving it do not appear to reduce the intensity of experimental pain, but rather make the pain feel less unpleasant. At present, pharmaceutical CBD is only approved by the FDA as an adjunct therapy for a special and rare form of epilepsy. Studies have demonstrated that CBD, often combined with THC, can be an effective pain reliever for a variety of chronic diseases. For example, when researchers evaluated the weekly average of the worst pain scores and physical function scores on the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC), participants who took 250 milligrams of CBD daily experienced a significant improvement compared to those who did not take it.

CBD may even enhance current treatments for sciatica and other hard-to-treat conditions. Tools for using CBD products such as pocket-sized wooden hemp grinders are also available at cannabis dispensaries. It's important to note that some CBD products are mislabeled and contain small amounts of THC despite claims that they don't contain any THC. You can purchase CBD online, find it at health food stores, doctor's offices or even some pharmacies without a prescription.

Lloyd Pintello
Lloyd Pintello

Incurable pizza nerd. Coffee lover. Wannabe web enthusiast. General music lover. Infuriatingly humble sushi evangelist.